Sunday, 30 August 2009

I can't really think of a good or profound title, so i thought i would tell you.

My second post. Wow. Didn't think I'd get this far.
DANG. (American word i know, but in circumstances like these i will use it anyway).
I was just informing you on the british weather, like all good english gentlemen and ladies, when suddenly, it went all blank.
how rude...

Anyhow, i can not be bothered to type it all out- the moment has passed, and i will move on to more greater things, like....

'THE CHOIR' IS AIRING NEXT WEEK! Yes, the beloved Gareth who still looks like a 10 yrold will be conducting a community choir in a council estate or something...
But, alas, the time has come to pick my profile picture. All other blogs i have viewed have really high fashion pics of themselves, but i am still a newbie and i don't want to pretend to be all high and mighty.
...... i will have to view my picture files....

? Whadya think ? I have never watched/drew anime in my life but i have always liked this piccy. It will do for now, even though it is a bit of a copout. Maybe i will take some piccys later today..

With love,

Saturday, 29 August 2009


Well, i'm not totally sure what i'm supposed to write about here, so i will do the basics for you:
  • I'm Charlotte, and newly 14.
  • I love to draw and paint-my inspiration being David Hockney (the piccie of him is on here), and my grandma for helping me make fabulous cushions :D
  • I am an only child.
  • I hate attention seekers and wannabe know-it-alls.
  • I take great satasfaction in being right.
  • My life truthfully isn't that interesting, but it will be fun to write it down.
  • I hate comic sans with a burning passion.
(I'm actually banned from the computer right now, so I keep having to close the laptop lid down and hide it everytime my dad starts whistling.)

With love,